Welcome to Phippsburg Elementary School's art room blog! In the art room at Phippsburg Elementary we learn oodles about art and create doodles (among other things) that showcase the creativity and talents of Phippsburg students.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wocket in My Pocket

There's a Wocket in My Pocket! What??? Anyone who has every read Dr. Suess knows he had an incredible imagination! His book, There's a Wocket in My Pocket illustrates that imagination perfectly. In the book, a young boy lives in a house with all kinds of characters-big, small, friendly and scary. While first graders read the story we noticed that Dr. Suess' characters did share some characteristics. They were furry, had crazy hair, and long necks. Their bodies came in all shapes and sizes. After reading the story students drew their own crazy character. They painted them with tempera paint and then outlined them with black so we could see all the awesome details. The backgrounds were made using crayons and textured rubbing plates. The final touch was to give a name to their character.

The inspiration for this project was found at TeachKidsArt.

One Fish, Two Fish

March 2 is Theodore Geisel Suess, aka Dr. Suess', birthday! To celebrate second grade listened to the story One Fish, Two Fish. While looking at the illustrations students noticed that he used black outlines in his illustrations and some of his fish swam like regular fish, while some were standing. His fish were also a variety of colors. They began their project by drawing the fish as big as possible on their paper with black crayon, including details. Bright tempera paint colors were used to paint the fish. When it dried, they outlined their crayon lines with black craypas and cut out their fish. Their backgrounds were made my cutting a variety of lines from red construction paper. The red and white pattern is a reflection of Dr. Suess' most famous book, The Cat in the Hat. The results were a beautiful and a great tribute to Dr. Suess.

The idea for the this project was found at Deep Space Sparkle.