Welcome to Phippsburg Elementary School's art room blog! In the art room at Phippsburg Elementary we learn oodles about art and create doodles (among other things) that showcase the creativity and talents of Phippsburg students.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Portraits of Zorba

For two weeks, our school is participating in the event, "One Book, One School." During this event the whole school gathers in the gym each morning and is read one or two chapters of the book, The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly by Luis Sepulveda. In the story the main character is a big, fat, black cat named Zorba. Zorba has a difficult job in the story. She has to raise an orphaned seagull chick and teach it to fly! Not an easy task for a cat. 
Third graders created clay portraits of Zorba. The body of Zorba is an upside down pinch pot. Legs and tails were attached by scoring the two pieces of clay. Students used clay tools to add faces, claws and other details to their cat portrait. The cats are drying and will be fired in the kiln next week. The third graders look forward to glazing them.

 Learning Targets for week one of this project are:
1) I can use pinching and pulling techniques to create a cat from clay.
2) I can attach two pieces of clay together using scoring techniques.