Welcome to Phippsburg Elementary School's art room blog! In the art room at Phippsburg Elementary we learn oodles about art and create doodles (among other things) that showcase the creativity and talents of Phippsburg students.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lines in Motion

Line is one of the seven elements of art. Students in fourth and fifth grade brainstormed a list of lines including spiral, straight, dotted, zig-zag, curved, wavy and dashed. We also discussed silhouettes and symmetry. Students were asked to cut a symmetrical shape of a flying creature or object from black paper and then imagine if they could see the wind behind the flying creature or object, what would it look like? Student used pencil, sharpie and craypas to create the wind behind their silhouettes. One bird (above) apparently hit his head, resulting in a looping, crazy line design!
This lesson was inspired by an image on the art education site Artsonia.

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